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Satvik Foods nourishment

 Two sisters, Rada and Kat, stand in a kitchen proudly displaying their products from Satvik Foods. Satvik Foods has been in business since 2010, and operates in Northern NSW, making a range of spiced dhals, rice, and organic quinoa with unique Ayurvedic spice blends. The sisters' easy make-at-home packs can be purchased online through Satvik Foods, in all good health food stores, and Australia's number one shopping channel

I want to share with you my gratitude and joy for the past five years of working alongside my sister, Kat and her husband Moi, at Satvik Foods. As a family-owned business, Satvik Foods has been a creative outlet for me within this mature company of 13 years. I've had the opportunity to be a part of something special, and to reconnect with my roots and heritage through the rituals of preparing and eating food.

I have worked plenty with my family, but each is a unique experience. We've had our fair share of disagreements, but we always come together with a shared vision of creating nourishing, Ayurvedic-inspired dishes that are accessible to everyone. I've learned so much from them, not just about food but about business, marketing, and communication.

The learning curve has been steep, but it's been worth it. I've learned the importance of patience and perseverance, and how to adapt to changing market trends and consumer preferences. Most importantly, I've rediscovered the joy of cooking and sharing meals with loved ones.

Recently, I had the opportunity to appear on live TV with TVSN to showcase our products. It was nerve-wracking, but exhilarating. Seeing the response from viewers and customers has been humbling and inspiring. It's a reminder of why we do what we do, and why we're passionate about sharing the benefits of Ayurveda and healthy eating with others.

As I reflect on the past five years, I'm filled with gratitude for the journey so far and excitement for what's to come. Thank you, Satvik Foods, for being a part of my life and for the opportunity to contribute to something meaningful

An elegant table arrangement with a variety of colourful flowers serves as the backdrop for a delicious spread of meals from Satvik Foods. The dishes, made with fresh and organic ingredients, are beautifully presented and range from spiced dhals to flavourful rice dishes. The vibrant colours and intricate textures of the food create a feast for the eyes and the taste buds
Rada and Kat, founders of Satvik Foods, stand in their kitchen proudly showcasing their products. The sisters have been in business since 2010, creating a range of spiced dhals, rice, and organic quinoa with unique Ayurvedic spice blends. Their easy make-at-home packs can be purchased online through Satvik Foods, in health food stores, and Australia's number one shopping channel TVSN
A beautiful table arrangement with a mix of native Australian Flora and fauna and Satvik Foods' delicious meals as the centrepiece. The meal features healthy and nutritious options, including spiced dhals, rice, and organic quinoa with unique Ayurvedic spice blends. The vibrant colours and fresh ingredients make for an inviting and appetising presentation
A fan's at-home snapshot of Rada on live TV, showcasing Satvik Foods' products on the shopping channel TVSN. The products include healthy and delicious options such as spiced dhals, rice, and organic quinoa with unique Ayurvedic spice blends. Rada's enthusiasm and expertise are on full display as she introduces viewers to the company's offerings
A fan's snapshot of their TV screen while watching Rada from Satvik Foods on the shopping channel TVSN. Rada is showcasing the company's range of healthy and nutritious products, including spiced dhals, rice, and organic quinoa with unique Ayurvedic spice blends. The viewer is enjoying the segment from the comfort of their own home and getting a glimpse of the delicious offerings from Satvik Foods

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